Are these kid guest stars from The Waltons or Gunsmoke?

Did these farm kids, runaways and little swindlers stop by Dodge City or Walton’s Mountain?


An orphaned child with nowhere to turn seeks help. A stern father insists his son stay and work on the farm instead of going to school. A mischievous youngster takes advantage of a family's hospitality.

Do these sound like Waltons episodes to you? But wait, isn’t at least one of those from Gunsmoke? Needless to say, both shows featured standout child actors who became the focus of certain episodes.

We’ve compiled young guest stars from both classic series. Can you guess which show each kid is in?

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  6. It's Ron Howard! Which show is he in here?
  7. This con-artist kid is from...
  8. This boy fought to stay in school against the wishes of his father in...
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Are these kid guest stars from The Waltons or Gunsmoke?

Your Result...

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Dysall 8 months ago
9/10. Missed #5. I thought that she was the actress that played Susan in the episode "Susan was evil".
Bigwheel1 9 months ago
10/10 Ron Howard and Erin Moran appeared in the Waltons & of coarse stared Happy Days
ElizabethFontenot 30 months ago
Ron Howard was in an episode of THE WALTONS, he played a character named Seth Turner. I AM ATTACHING THE IMDb page for the episode.
BuckeyeBeth7 37 months ago
10/10 Nailed it! :D
#8 has one of my favorite moments in Gunsmoke in it. One of the town’s folk tries to get illiterate Festus to agree that his lack of schooling didn’t hurt him any, and while Festus agrees he then states can’t help but wonder if his life would’ve been better with an education. Doc Adams becomes immensely proud of Festus at that moment. That’s one of the few times Doc Adams and Festus were both on the same page. Always warms my heart when I see it lol
bagandwallyfan80 37 months ago
Happy Days Quiz and
Whatever Happened To The Cast Members Of Happy Days??
RaymondKlehm 37 months ago
8 out of 10
I did not watch gunsmoke
GeorgiaReadenour 38 months ago
8/10....the one with Ron Howard tricked me because is also in an episode of the Walton's!!
True. Background does count in these quizes. The Waltons episode was in the woods “in Virginia” while the Gunsmoke episode was in the desert. While I honestly thought the two episodes were fairly close together, IMDb tells me that they were actually 5yrs apart. 1969 for Gunsmoke & 1974 for the Waltons. Ron definitely had a baby-face for a while 😆
bagandwallyfan80 38 months ago
I would like to see a Happy Days
Quiz and Quizzes on the
Following TV Shows:
1 Gilligans Island
2 Gomer Pyle USMC
3 The Andy Griffith Show
4Mayberry RFD
5 Three Stooges
TOUGH Happy Days Question:
Chuck Cunningham (Gavan O'Herlihy and Randolph Roberts) disapeared from
Happy Days WITH NO explanation and CC had
Very Little Air Time on Happy Days but there was one character on Happy Days who had LESS AIR
TIME than Chuck Cunningham. Can anyone
Name the one character who had Less Air Time on Happy Days than basketball
Player Chuck Cunningham?
One Clue: The Answer is NOT Spike (Danny Butch) pr
Sticks(John Anthony Bailey)
Also Rpy Stuart played Corporal Boyle in
Gomer Pyle USMC.
Who did Roy Stuart REPLACE on Gomer Pyle USMC?
Russell Johnson played the
Professor on Gilligans Island but what was the
Professors first and last name on Gilligans Island?Who played the Professor
On the Gilligans Island.Pilot
On The Dick Van Dyke episode Ghost Of A Chanz
Were the hotel clerk abs
The spooky guy bringing in
The wood.for the fireplace
IN ON Mel Cooleys Practical
On The Adventures Of
Superman did Clark Kent ever REVEAL to Lois Lane
Jimmy Olson and Perry White that he was Superman?
Gilligans Island Quiz:
Gomer Pyle USMC Quiz:
The Andy Griffith Show:
Mayberry RFD Quiz:
The Three Stooges Quiz:

Your question should be what character(s) had less air time than Randolph Roberts who appeared in (2) episodes compared to Gavan O'Herlihy's (9) episodes.
Also there were multiple characters that only appeared in one episode, So there is more than one character.
Roy Stuart replaced Ronnie Schell on Gomer Pyle USMC.
The Professors first and last name on Gilligans Island was Professor Roy Hinkley or Dr. Roy Hinkley.
John Gabriel played the professor on the pilot episode.
What do you mean?
On The Dick Van Dyke episode Ghost Of A Chanz
Were the hotel clerk abs (what does that mean?
Clark Kent revealed his identity directly and indirectly to Lois, Jimmy and Perry over the span of the original series.
bagandwallyfan80 38 months ago
Is Number 7 Angela Cartwright
Who played Linda Williams
On Make Room For Daddy
Which starred Danny Thomas
As Danny Williams.
No it's Vicky Shreck she played:
Bridgette 'Muffin' Maloney in the The Big Brother (1976) episode of the Walton's, she was a young con artist in the episode.
She also appeared on 1 episode of The Brady Bunch, and 26 episodes of How the West Was Won and a few other shows and TV movies.
bagandwallyfan80 38 months ago
Randolph Roberts the second
actor to play Chuck Cunningham
On Happy Days made 2 guest
appearances on Gunsmoke.
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