Can you complete the lyrics to ''Wonderful Christmastime'' by Paul McCartney?
"Simply having a wonderful _________."

Ah, those B-major synth plinks and plonks can only mean one thing... IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!
With all the fervor of a guy turning on his new keyboard for the first time, Paul McCartney struck gold, giving us a Christmas classic AND his first solo single following Wings' final album.
You know it, you love it, it's time to put yourself to the test. You're going to have to fill in the blanks if you hope to score a perfect tinsel ten out of ten. Good luck, have fun, and make sure to give this perfect song a listen every day between now and Christmas.
First line: "The _________ is right."
"The _______'s up."
"The party's ______."
"The _______'s here."
"The choir of ____ sing their song."
"The word is _______."
"About the _______."
"To lift a _______."
"Oh, and don't look _____."

Can you complete the lyrics to ''Wonderful Christmastime'' by Paul McCartney?
Your Result...
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7/9. B+. Not too shabby. Lol. Not a very good song. They play it every year. McCartney probably wrote it in under a minute. Lol.
Paul celebrates life in his songs, John demanded that it have meaning. Peace on earth, good will towards men, nothing wrong with "Happy Christmas, War Is Over." And that Charlie Brown is what Christmas is all about.
7/9. Why do so many people hate this song? We all have our own taste, but am I the only person on earth who will admit that I like it much better than that other Christmas classic by a former Beatle--Lennon's "Happy Xmas, War Is Over"?
Ho ho ho! You got 9 out of 9
You kept the Christmas spirit alive, and now Santa has enough magic to deliver all his presents. YOU RULE, DUDE!
You kept the Christmas spirit alive, and now Santa has enough magic to deliver all his presents. YOU RULE, DUDE!
This is a great song full of jovial vibes and love ! But also really like the video of coming up and Paul doing the Ron and Russell Mael of Sparks !!
I LOVE this song! This is one of my favorite Christmas songs. Unlike John and Yoko singing So This Is Christmas. I HATE that song.
OK, I scrolled down and found that there are others who share my opinion. If I never heard Happy Xmas, War Is Over again, it wouldn't be soon enough.
8/9 Got #5 wrong. If anyone who has lost a loved one (like me) may I suggest you listen to Sarah McLachlan's "Wintersong". It's so beautiful. A great song that unfortunately doesn't get played on the radio. 10 million times better than Pariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas". Well Pariah, all i want for Christmas is for the radio stations to NOT play your song 50 times a day.
Ow NO the green dude. Is stealing all my presents 🎁 nothing for me boo hoo I'm sad 😞 I need some presents 🎁
"Ho ho ho! You got 3 out of 9" -----Uh oh... You didn't score very well and now a green dude is going to steal all your presents when you're not looking.