Can you guess the '70s sitcom from just two words of the theme song?

It helps to sing the themes in your head.

A sitcom is nothing without a great theme song. Even if you forget some of the jokes, odds are, those pop hooks are embedded in your brain decades later.

The Seventies were a particularly great era for sitcom theme songs. Several of them even made the charts!

We took two words from popular theme songs lyrics. Note: They are not consecutive. Try to play the music in your head and see if you can match these combos to the correct show!
  1. Which '70s sitcom theme featured these two words: CURLS + FELLOW?
  2. Which '70s sitcom theme featured these two words: DELUXE + BEANS?
  3. Which '70s sitcom theme featured these two words: WEDNESDAY + CYCLE?
  4. Which '70s sitcom theme featured these two words: GODIVA + BRA?
  5. Which '70s sitcom theme featured these two words: HOOVER + WELFARE?
  6. Which '70s sitcom theme featured these two words: IMPOSSIBLE + DREAMS?
  7. Which '70s sitcom theme featured these two words: TRAVELIN' + HAPPY?
  8. Which '70s sitcom theme featured these two words: KISSES + RENDEZVOUS?
  9. Which '70s sitcom theme featured these two words: PACKING + UNPACKING?
  10. Which '70s sitcom theme featured these two words: HUSTLED + LAYOFFS?
  11. Which '70s sitcom theme featured these two words: AWFULLY + ALONE?
  12. Which '70s sitcom theme featured these two words: TICKET + TEASE?

Can you guess the '70s sitcom from just two words of the theme song?

Your Result...

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Moverfan 20 months ago
12/12. Can I name the sitcom from two words in the theme song? Why, yes I can...!
Tresix 22 months ago
100%. I thought “Angie” was from the Eighties. That’s the only reason I picked “The Mary Tyler Moore Show”.
Jltitus89 64 months ago
11/12. Got Mary Tyler Moore wrong. Dumb phone jumped up and I hit The Bob Newhart Show.
RedSamRackham 64 months ago
Perfect Score! BTW most misunderstood sitcom theme song lyric as "Hangin' and a jiving" on Good Times. ☺
idkwut2use 65 months ago
11/12! Better than the 6/11 I somehow got on the 60s.
STTOS 68 months ago
You got 11 out of 12 - Keep on truckin'! You sure seem to know your sitcom themes! I missed #11 as well. I think these lyrics are from Season 1 because I don't think they are part of what most would consider the more popular version of the theme song. After ruling out MTM and knowing that TBNS does not have lyrics, I had to guess Angie, even though I never watched the show. Oh well. :(
Moverfan STTOS 20 months ago
In the first season, the MTM theme started with "How will you make it on your own?" and the second line ended with "you're all alone". In the second season, they figured it was kind of a stupid question, I guess...
Doom 68 months ago
11/12 I can't believe I missed #11 and that's the one I've heard the most. Joan Jett does a great version of it. By the end of the quiz I too many theme songs running through my head I couldn't think straight.
MrBill 68 months ago
9/12; missed #4, #11 and #12 - I did not watch those shows very often.
ETristanBooth 68 months ago
12/12, although #9 was a total guess.
Bobbo ETristanBooth 68 months ago
Same here!
CarrieMcCourt 68 months ago
11/12 Was going great guns until #11
CarrieMcCourt 68 months ago
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Tresix garykevinware 68 months ago
Yep, it's the one that I missed as well.
I missed that one as well. I think it's easy to miss because the song (and the show) are generally very "upbeat" and those two words taken out of the full line are rather "downbeat". If you can run the full song through your head, you get it. If you have only a patial memory or "sense" of the song, it doesn't seem to fit.
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