Can you name all these famous trios from pop culture?

Three is a magic number.

Good things come in threes, some say. Certainly, three has been a magic number in pop culture, and we're not just talking about Schoolhouse Rock! 

Below, you will find the first names of some famous trios. See if you can match them to the correct television shows, cartoons, movies and cereals.

Good luck!
  1. Larry, Moe & Curly were members of which classic comedy group?
  2. Alvin, Simon & Theodore had a No. 1 hit song in 1958 as members of which group?
  3. You could find Snap, Crackle & Pop on boxes of which cereal?
  4. Jack, Janet & Chrissy had audiences laughing in which '70s sitcom?
  5. Bobby, Peter & Greg were the sons of which classic TV clan?
  6. Bruce, Dick & Barbara fought the bad guys on which '60s show?
  7. Mike, Robbie & Chip were boys on which sitcom?
  8. Rob, Buddy & Sally were coworkers on which classic sitcom?
  9. Huey, Dewey & Louie were the nephews of which cartoon duck?
  10. Sabrina, Jill & Kelly could be seen on which series?
  11. Barry, Robin & Maurice became big names in pop music as members of…?
  12. Yakko, Wakko & Dot were the core characters of which '90s cartoon?
  13. Blossom, Bubbles & Buttercup were on which cartoon?
  14. In a 1971 Saturday morning cartoon, Hair, Bubi & Square were what species of animal?
  15. Disney's seventh animated motion picture centered around Donald, José & Panchito. What were they called?
  16. Siblings Bill, Brett & Mark had a variety show in a 1970s. Which one?

Can you name all these famous trios from pop culture?

Your Result...

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Miss_Kitty 27 months ago
90'S cartoons were not my thing, so I missed those :(
Mob39 51 months ago
You got 15 out of 16

Ta-da! You did it! Give yourself a high five. Or a high three.
rycki1138 65 months ago
You got 16 out of 16
Ta-da! You did it! Give yourself a high five. Or a high three.
idkwut2use 65 months ago
You got 14 out of 16
Ta-da! You did it! Give yourself a high five. Or a high three.
Dave 70 months ago
Huey, Louie and Dewey also appeared with Scrooge McDuck on the animated series DUCK TALES.
SalIanni 70 months ago
I loved the Hudson Brothers show. I used to watch it on Saturday mornings. One of the Hudson Brothers, Bill Hudson, later married Goldie Hawn and they became Kate Hudson's parents.

Another famous TV trio that should have been included: Larry, Darryl. and Darryl of "Newhart". They were hilarious.
Geronimo 70 months ago
One was tough................15/16
ForeverHappyDays 70 months ago
Missed the one about the species of animal on number 14, that was a tough one. And the last one was a lucky guess.
kissoff 70 months ago
I missed one about the 90s but who gives a shit about the 90s?
Joe 70 months ago
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