Do you remember what season of Gilligan's Island these dream sequences are from?

Hopefully, this quiz won't put you to sleep!


Look, if the entirety of Gilligan's Island takes place on an island, they're going to have to get creative in their sequences with the cast in other locations. This can only mean one thing: Dream sequences! We're putting your Gilligan's Island knowledge to the test and showing you a moment from a dream sequence sometime in the series. It's your responsibility to tell us if it came from season one, two, or three!

Watch Gilligan's Island on MeTV!

Sundays 3 & 3:30 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. What season was this dream sequence from?
  2. What season was this dream sequence from?
  3. What season was this dream sequence from?
  4. What season was this dream sequence from?
  5. What season was this dream sequence from?
  6. What season was this dream sequence from?
  7. What season was this dream sequence from?
  8. What season was this dream sequence from?
  9. What season was this dream sequence from?
  10. What season was this dream sequence from?

Do you remember what season of Gilligan's Island these dream sequences are from?

Your Result...

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Crisco 16 months ago
I've seen all these but that was tuff .I do not remember seasons. 3/10
RobertK 16 months ago
5 of 10. Not bad considering all were guesses except for the #7 B&W question. Kinda odd though, The first 5 in a row I got wrong and brought it in with the next 5 correct! I dunno?
MikefromJersey 16 months ago
"You got 7 out of 10. You could do this quiz in your sleep!"

I'm calling foul. Or fowl since it's getting close to Thanksgiving. Season One wasn't in color,
and by you guys colorizing questions 1 and 5, you deliberately misled we test takers.
Then you wiseguys left question 7's picture in it's original black and white.
This is plain shenanigans and not a level playing field.
Actually it's the kind of thing I would do if I were in your stead, just to see if anyone caught on.
Well played, tricksy gamesters. How about doing a quiz on John Wayne's TV guest starring
turns? From I Love Lucy to Maude, and of course the time he acted under another name
on a TV series now shown on MeTV, most people never realize it's Duke but his voice was
unmistakable. Anybody out there know the answer?
Bob MikefromJersey 16 months ago
They should have had them all in B&W or all in color and said so in the intro. Or had more than 1 B&W.
braycy 16 months ago
It's rather comical that this show was such a hit, think about, it was in the 60s, trapped on a deserted island, & not one of them had to go thru withdrawal from drugs when they got stranded!
braycy 16 months ago
9/1 loved Gilligan, have my fav episodes also When the ladies from the band THE HONEY BEES, 'you need me' & when everyone thinks Gilligan got bit by a bug & is going to die! So it's funny that I got 9/1 wrong, knew the black n white were 1st year, the rest were guesses!
Zip 16 months ago
Love Gilligan's Island but I never do well on "what season" or "what date" types of quizzes.
IndianaRockz Zip 16 months ago
I agree so I ain't even gonna take this one.
MarthaWashington 16 months ago
Yeah, right, I remember most of the episodes, but not what season they were. Does anyone know that the little boy in question 9, is Bob Denvers own son.
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IndianaRockz 16 months ago
Haha love the word "hinky"...instantly made me think of Adam-12 😀😀😀
texasluva 16 months ago
6 Out of 10- Snored all the way through it since I tried to dream what Gilligan dreamed. By chance I got some of them right.
LoveMETV22 16 months ago
I don't think I'll post a score, but I think Annie Lennox said it best:

frenchman71 16 months ago
4/10. I watched GI but I can't remember that many episodes. The two I remember was when Denny Miller guest starred playing a jungle Tarzan and a WWII Jap soldier who thinks the war is still going on.
Andybandit 16 months ago
I got 5/10. I didn't remember the character's dreams obviously
Muleskinner 16 months ago
5/10. Where was my Little Buddy when I needed him?
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