Choose your favorite album for each year of the '70s

Crank up the tunes, and the nostalgia.


Was the '70s the definitive decade for music fans? It seems like those ten years gave us absolutely everything.

So many artists, so many genres, and so many sounds. We've done the hard part of compiling some of the biggest-selling albums of each year. Now your job is the easy part: Just pick one album from each year that you like the most. Maybe you'll see a title that sends you back down memory lane, and you can spend the rest of your day listening to a forgotten favorite.

Let us know which albums we missed from each year. Maybe yours isn't included, so we want you to shout it out in the comments section below. Share your thoughts, your memories, and your poll results!

  1. 1970
  2. 1971
  3. 1972
  4. 1973
  5. 1974
  6. 1975
  7. 1976
  8. 1977
  9. 1978
  10. 1979

Choose your favorite album for each year of the '70s

Your Result...

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ttenchantr 1 month ago
Happy to see Supertramp on this list twice!
Vamp13 15 months ago
a lot of people don't know good music
Righteouspossum Vamp13 14 months ago
i thought the same thing
FlaFeral 16 months ago
48%...Oi! No love for us early metal-head bang'n latch-key kids! 😜😽
Tresix 16 months ago
59% similar. Nine percent higher than my 80s total.
JimmyAngel 16 months ago
1970 ABB Idlewild South or Traffic John Barleycorn must die 1971 ABB At the Fillmore East 1972 Eat a Peach
Bapa1 JimmyAngel 16 months ago
John Barleycorn is my favorite Traffic album, and Eat a Peach is my favorite Allman's album. (sorry, Live at The Fillmore).
Gayleistoons 16 months ago
Well I have no choices here...quite a racist poll. There were sensational albums in different genres. Disappointing
Wenatchee7 16 months ago
57% My taste in music doesn't match with theses questions.
BrittReid 16 months ago
Aladdin Sane by David Bowie . 'Sorrow'.
Charlotte 16 months ago
For all the hard rocking going on in the 70's, this went towards the softer side.
timothys71 Charlotte 16 months ago
Hmmm...I saw quite a few hard rock albums listed too.
SalIanni 16 months ago
If "Saturday Night Fever" was one of the top 5 choices for 1977, then why wasn't "Grease" included for 1978? That was the best movie and album from that year by far.
Kramden62 SalIanni 16 months ago
Agreed. 1978 was a below-par year for entertainment, and "Grease" - both the movie and the album - was oneof the few bright spots.

See also my comment below.
KevyNova 16 months ago
I’m just glad to see that Van Halen is winning 1978!
oneofthesedays1 16 months ago
Not very many classic rockers here. Mostly soft rock at best.
musicman37 16 months ago
The most generic load of BS I've ever seen. I expected better.
Sooner 16 months ago
It's about what I guessed. The votes are mostly going to the most vanilla stuff.
Wendy57 16 months ago
60% similar
These types of quizzes are sorta fun to take for the memories , but, when you get your final result, I find it a bit lack luster.
Dudeman 16 months ago
Lots of great albums to choose from most of these years, but what about Boz Scaggs' "Silk Degrees" in 1976, Steely Dan's "Aja" from 1977, and debuts from The Police and The Cars in 1978 (not to mention their second albums in 1979)? Great stuff!
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