How well do you actually remember The Brady Bunch theme song?
Will it be a sunshine day for you?

Hear The Brady Bunch theme song once, and you'll be singing it in your head the rest of the day. It's one of the catchiest TV themes in history, but we're wondering how many fans actually know each and every word.
Below, we've snipped out certain words and phrases from The Brady Bunch theme song. See if you can fill each and every blank. Only The Brady Bunch fans who know all the words will score a "sunshine day." Good luck!

Here’s the story / Of a [???] lady
Who was [???] three very lovely girls
All of them had [???] gold
Like their mother / The youngest one in [???]
It’s the story / Of a [???] named Brady
Who was [???] with three boys of his own
They were four men / [???]
[???] they were all alone
‘Til the one day when the lady met this [???]
And they knew that it was [???] more than a hunch
That this group must [???] form a family
That’s [???] we all became the Brady Bunch.

How well do you actually remember The Brady Bunch theme song?
Your Result...
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You got 12 out of 12 - Sunshine day! You rocked that one! Rather easy. For #11 they should have left out the word "group" and had choices of "group", "troupe" and "clan(?)". I still would have chosen "group" but I think the word "troupe" might have given people cause to have second thoughts.
12 out of 12. I have watched The Brady Bunch since I was about six, when the show started in 1969. Plus reruns after reruns. I have a fifteen year old nephew who refuses to watch it because he says it's too corny and cheesy for his taste.