Poll: Can you tell us the superior television pet?

Who do you want greeting you at the end of a long day?


An impossible poll: Which television pet is truly man's best friend? We've collected some of our favorite on screen animals, and you have the impossibly difficult task of choosing your favorite. Steel your heart, and click on!

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  1. Please...choose the superior television pet.

Poll: Can you tell us the superior television pet?

Your Result...

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ElvisPresleyFan 28 minutes ago
70% similar.
Eddie was cool!
My second choice would have been Sylvester the Cat.
Snickers 1 hour ago
I picked Arnold Ziffel but glad to see Lassie finish on top.
MrsPhilHarris 1 hour ago
We had cats, dogs, fish, hamsters, and other critters when I was growing up. But a horse is a horse, of course of course. I’m picking Mr. Ed. 🐴
Jacki 2 hours ago
That's a difficult decision to make. I love animals. I love dogs. I have always had a dog ever since I was a little girl wheeling my puppy in my doll carriage.🐶❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Snickers Jacki 27 minutes ago
Like dogs but am a big cat person. Like you we always had a cat in the house growing up. As a matter of fact have three new kittens running around the house now.
Jacki Snickers 6 minutes ago
Oh that's so cute.❤️☺️ I have my doggie running around also.❤️
Sway 2 hours ago
Hard to choose, love animals 🐈‍⬛ 🐕 🐎🐖
Chazitup 2 hours ago
100% - big Animal lover, in fact I like animals more than most people.
FrankensteinLover 3 hours ago
Because of Lassie, I always wanted a dog that looked just like her.
jodyh05 3 hours ago
I picked Arnold Ziffel. What a good pig.
teire 3 hours ago
Captain Jack. The puppy, not the alligator. 3 percent.
TheJackOfCups 4 hours ago
20% with Arnold Ziffel

Debbie the bloop would have driven me crazy with her noise
MikefromJersey 4 hours ago
From the start I thought it had to be the stable genius Mr. Ed. However he was actually smarter
than his "owner" Wilbur, more peer than pet. Ed could drive, hit homers at Dodger Stadium,
had a dynamite singing voice - "The Pretty Little Filly With a Pony Tail" - and even had a
beatnik phase as the ginchiest of cool cats.
But I gotta choose another cat, Sylvester. Despite going thru different owners, he persevered.
No matter how many obstacles Warner Brothers cartoonists put before him, family
man Sylvester never stopped trying to put food on the table, in the form of a certain yellow
bird. Tweety was a parasite living off little old ladies, a bird in a gilded cage, never sweated a
day in his life to earn his tucker. Sylvester is da man, and while he gives the above poll 4 out
5 fur balls in the Puttytat Ratings for originality, Syl's patently unjust 2% approval ought
to be buried in his litter box.
You Bad Ole Puddytat!
Jacki MikefromJersey 2 hours ago
I love Sylvester and his son, Junior. So cute.🐺🐺
MikefromJersey Jacki 1 hour ago

Junior aka "Spoiled Brat" was really funny, especially when Sylvester lets him down/shames
him against foes like a kangaroo or Goldimouse, "oh father!"
I love Sylvester. I liked the one where Tweety dropped his cap on the ice and said to Sylvester and another cat "would you get my stocking cap. My little head is cold". How could a person not love that cat. Nowadays, they would have the bird and cat playing with each other, otherwise they would think violence is being promoted. It was always just good old fun and it made the day better! 😀
Jacki MikefromJersey 2 minutes ago
I love when Junior says that, and when he puts a paper bag over himself because he's embarrassed that Sylvester can't catch the mouse/kangaroo. Lol 😄
GioLovesMash 4 hours ago
tiger from The Brady Bunch yeah why is no one use tiger? i love the Frasier dog but no ne use it? in the poll?
KawiVulc 5 hours ago
20%. Had to go with Arnold Ziffel... would have written in Stimpy Cat but he's not really a pet.
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