MeTV Schedule For Columbus, OH, OH

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By The Book (s6, ep26)
Steve Elliott hurriedly takes off on a crop-dusting job, not knowing he underbid for the assignment by $1800.
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Make Room For Baby (s7, ep1)
Dog suddenly becomes a second-class citizen at the Shady Rest when Steve, Betty Jo and Kathy Jo move in.
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The Bank Raising (s2, ep27)
Jed gets invited to the opening of Drysdale’s new Commerce Bank building. Granny thinks that he will actually be building the bank. Jed attends the party and meets two of Drysdale friends, who think he is a market wizard. When Jed is told he is helping to build the bank, he heads home to get tools and pick up Elly and Granny to help out. When they get there, they cause a bit of a disturbance and misunderstand what is going on.
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The Great Crawdad Hunt (s2, ep28)
There is excitement going on at the hillbilly’s mansion when a package from home arrives. They get everything they can’t get in Beverly Hills, including crawdads. Meanwhile, at the bank, Lucas and Pendleton are trying to find out what crawdad is. They overhear Jane on the phone with Jed saying that he will share his stock of crawdad with Drysdale. The Clampetts are trying to figure out how many crawdads they have and learn of how the government put three men on the task of finding moon(shine).
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The Tom and Jerry Show
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The Night Of The Lord Of Limbo (s2, ep15)
A crippled Confederate colonel, Vautrain, plans to use his power to travel through time to use Jim and Artie to alter history and restore his legs.
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The Candy O'hara Story (s4, ep11)
Gabe Henry and his son have been sorely missing the female touch for more than five years now. Finding a wife during a stopover is his top priority, but his choice is known to Major Adams, who does not approve.
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Heritage (s1, ep6)
Heath investigates violence during a strike at a Barkley mine. He finds that the miners hate the Barkleys for promises not kept. The family sets out to make things right before the Molly Maguires strike again.
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Sergeant Holly (s16, ep14)
An Army sergeant is accused of desertion and the theft of an Army payroll.
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Half A Rogue (s4, ep18)
Hoss harbors kindred spirit Big Jim Layton on the Ponderosa while trying to clear the wounded mountain man's name from charges of theft and murder.
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Long Gun From Tucson (s4, ep11)
Lucas tries to stop embittered John Holliver from venting his wrath on the people who expelled him from town years before.
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The High Country (s4, ep12)
Lucas becomes the target of a vengeful mountaineer.
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Incident Of The Comanchero (s5, ep23)
Two nuns enlist the drovers' aid in shielding a Comanchero from renegade tribesmen.
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Have Gun, Will Travel
The Posse (s3, ep4)
Paladin stops to ask a stranger for directions and is invited to share his campsite. Later, when a posse arrives, the man announces that Paladin is the murderer they have been looking for.
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Passing Of Shawnee Bill (s1, ep5)
Randall is rooked into advancing half the bounty to a man who promises to lead him to the wanted criminal Shawnee Bill, but Bill is closer than Randall thinks and he's not even the only bounty hunter on his trail.
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Uncivil Warriors, Even As I.o.u., Dizzy Detectives, Corny Casanovas, Knutzy Knights, Missed Fortune
"Set in the civil war, the Stooges are spies for the north. , A destitute mother and child move into the stooge's vacant lot home and the boys decide to help them. They steal the kids piggy bank and sneak into the race track. They bet on a long shot that wins and then are gypped out of their winnings by two con men who sell them a washed up race horse. Everything turns out happily when Curly swallows horse vitamins and gives birth to a colt! , Shemp wins $50,000 in a radio contest and the Stooges move into the Hotel Costa Plente where they live it up and wreck their fancy suite. While they wait for the prize money to arrive, the boys are pursued by three gold-digging dames after their winnings. When the check arrives however, it's only for $4.85 after tax deductions. [Basically a remake of "Healthy, Wealthy and Dumb".] , The Stooges are carpenters who become policemen. A mysterious burglar disguised as a gorilla has the cops baffled and Mr. Dill, the head of the citizens league, threatening the police chief's job. The boys go on the case and pose as night watchmen at an antiques store. They confront the crook, who turns out to be a real gorilla owned by Dill. After defeating Dill and some other bad guys in a wild fight, the gorilla drinks some nitroglycerin and blows up. , Love is in the air for these laughable Lotharios. The Stooges all romance the same gold-digging gal with hilarious results. , Set in Elizabethan times, the Stooges help their friend Cedric the Blacksmith win the hand of the fair princess Elaine. The only problem is that Elaine is promised to the Black Prince who is plotting to take over the kingdom. The Stooges manage to foil the plot and the grateful King allows Cedric to marry Elaine. "
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Bread And Circuses (s2, ep25)
The Enterprise encounters a planet whose culture is patterned on ancient Rome and holds gladiatorial games that Kirk, Spock and McCoy must fight in.
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Legacy Of Terror (s1, ep17)
An Aztec cult seeks to resurrect the mummy of their god by murdering perfect people.
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Revolt Of The Androids (s2, ep24)
Android Verda hides out with the Robinsons, lying low from super android OMEGA-IDAK, who promises to "crush, kill, destroy."
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Hail To The Chief (s1, ep16)
Enemy agents plot to prevent the recovery of the U.S. President from the Seaview.
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Home Sweet Home (s2, ep14)
The Earthlings find an abandoned time machine, but when Fitzhugh accidentally activates it, he and Steve end up on Earth... in the 1900s.