
A Chest, a Head- is This an Anatomy Lesson?! No, it’s "The Thing That Couldn't Die"- Tonight!

Yes, before Ant Man, the Ray Palmer Atom, and the "Fantastic Voyage" crew- there was an involuntary subject of mastering becoming miniature- meet him tonight on MeTV, when we bring back a true 1950s sci-fi classic- "The Incredible Shrinking Man"!

In this 1957 black and white offering, Scott Carey and his wife are lounging  aboard a boat off the coast of California- and, while wife Louise heads below to grab some refreshments, a strange cloud passes by, enveloping Scott in its glittery fog. It fades away, leaving the couple confused about what just happened.

We begin to realize what happened a few weeks later- when Scott's clothing doesn't seem to fit- no, it's not a won...

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