
A Chest, a Head- is This an Anatomy Lesson?! No, it’s "The Thing That Couldn't Die"- Tonight!

Tonight on MeTV- it's a film that treads in several genres, including the "old dark house" section of horror films- and some comedy as well, thanks to Bob Hope in the 1939 chiller- "The Cat and the Canary"!

Our film opens with a lawyer and several relatives heading into the bayou to the remote home of eccentric millionaire Cyrus Norman for the reading of his will. This is an unusual situation, since- he died ten years ago! Nonetheless, various family members are meeting to find out who will be the heir to his fortune. Among them-some high-strung folks,plus Joyce, a beautiful magazine artist, and Wally, a radio star ( Hope, of course). Norman's long-time housekeeper, the eerie M...

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