
It's Fright Bite Tonight -as Jack Palance Becomes the Vampire Count in "Dan Curtis' Dracula"!

Hooray for the Red, White, and BOO! The 4th of July brings some fireworks that adversely effect the Gill Man, turning him  into an air breather, and bringing the warning that "The Creature Walks Among Us"!

Yes, it's the final chapter of the Gill Man trilogy- with a wealthy (and somewhat unstable) scientist-Dr. William Barton- and his mistreated wife Marcia paying for an expedition to find the famed Black Lagoon resident who apparently still survives, and has been tracked to the Everglades. Geneticist Tom Morgan is part of the group, along with some associates and a rather sleazy guide-and they work on tracking down their quarry- making time, of course, for Marcia to take a  swi...

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