
What's the Matter with Kids Today? A Hankering for Blood If You're "Dracula's Daughter"- Tonight!

Tonight marks the 3rd anniversary of the Svengoolie show being beamed to a national audience via the Me-TV network- but we're giving YOU the gift! After a long absence on our program, we are so happy to be able to present, once again, another landmark Universal horror film- one in which the title "creature" appears only briefly, but is still one of the most memorable characters in the studio's horror gallery- it's the 1935 sequel to the original "Frankenstein"- "Bride of Frankenstein"- as the first entry in this month's theme- "Rotten Relatives Reunion"!

After a stormy night set-up by famous literary figures (take a good look at Mary Shelley-Elsa Lancester- you'll-ahem- see her...

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