Can you guess what shows had these washing machine mishaps?

Try to decipher these sudsy situations!


Since beginning in the 1950s, situation comedies have reused many of the same tropes time and again. One of those familiar scenes involves a load of laundry gone hilariously wrong, usually overflowing with bubbles.

Here are eleven soapy scenarios from classic television. Can you guess which show each of these washing mishaps are from?

Watch The Brady Bunch on MeTV!

Sundays at 10 & 10:30 AM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. Which Brady child is stuck in this soapy situation?
  2. The soap from this washing machine is spilling out into the kitchen! What show is this?
  3. This contraption passes for a washing machine on what show?
  4. The bubbles are just starting to overflow in this 1960s sitcom.
  5. This washing machine is spilling out all over the floor on what show?
  6. This hilarious sketch featured a washing machine that could throw a punch! What show is this?
  7. Denver Pyle is in a pile of suds on which show?
  8. Someone from this show thought this TV set was a washing machine!
  9. This classic scene features a washing machine that sprays out like a hose. What show was it on?
  10. Lucille Ball is in deep on what show?
  11. Bonus: While not a show, this music video did air on TV. What band is this?

Can you guess what shows had these washing machine mishaps?

Your Result...

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DerekBird 46 months ago
You got 7 out of 11
It's a wash. Better luck next time!

They were all guesses (except #8) and I only missed #2, 5, 10 and 11.
Jeffrey 57 months ago
''You got 8 out of 11'' -----------------Your brain did some heavy lifting on that quiz. Great job! Missed 5, 10 & 11.
Dario 57 months ago
10 out of 11! Missed #2, the Dennis question. 😁
EllisClevenger 57 months ago
You got 8 out of 11
Your brain did some heavy lifting on that quiz. Great job!
Missed #7, #10, and #11.
Toot1956 57 months ago
10/11 Did better than I thought.
stephaniestavropoulos 57 months ago
Another show METV should've included is The Partridge Family. It was a 4th season episode, {Jackie Coogan was playing Shirley's father}. The story was Shirley's parents were fighting {again!} This time about gender roles. Of course Shirley and the kiddies got caught up in it. Keith said something like women need men more to protect them etc. There was a scene in the garage, where Grandpa was doing the laundry, and of course suds were everywhere. Danny & Keith came in and asked how much he used. Grandpa said "2-3 cups." Keith said that's sounds right." Shirley, Laurie and Grandma walk in and Shirley says: "That's only 2-3 cups too much."
SashaPayneDiaz 57 months ago
I'll come clean.....I only got 7 of 11.
Muleskinner 57 months ago
7/11. A lot of guesses in this one.
dodgebob 57 months ago
6 of 11, let's do one about lawn mowers or farm animals.
Runeshaper 57 months ago
OUCH! At least it was a clean cut LOL
Voyage_Lover_32 57 months ago
7/11 I haven't watched all of these shows before.
Laura 58 months ago
9-11 Lucy tripped me up twice. She's gooood!😁
texasluva 58 months ago
4 out of 11. No lie. I not only never had a wash machine go bad or overflow suds but never seen one of these here episodes. I did have a dyer break a belt once so it would not spin dry. Got that fixed finally. What next? What size tires did they have on the family car? I'll watch some but never take notes. I'll still take the quiz and give the grim results.

In the mean time lets liven up the board with some music to get you into Monday in fine fashion.
Moody texasluva 58 months ago
Great selections!
texasluva Moody 58 months ago
Thanks! I hope you and family and others on here staying safe. With the virus and now people going insane you just never know. I try to hit people's sweet spots with the tunes. Hagd!
Moody texasluva 57 months ago
Thank you & we hope the same for you & your family. We are doing well here but we miss our kids & grandkids. We keep in touch with Skype but it's just not the same. Hopefully, we can visit with them sometime soon. These are such trying times but we are coping well & we'll get through it. Thanks again for the videos you post. They are a welcome journey back in time to those days of great music & great tv. Stay safe!
MikefromJersey 58 months ago
9 for 11. If I had gotten all 11 I would have to start wondering if there was something wrong with me.
Man, these MeTV boys & girls are really getting down in the weeds with this stuff.
What's next, asking what grades Little Richie got on his 4th grade report card? Listen you
wise guys, don't even think of asking that one, or I'll arrange for you to be subject to watching
Barnaby "Snoozefest" Jones 24 hours a day.
johnnyc 58 months ago
More leave it to beaver, please
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