Can you match the series finale title to the correct '80s sitcom?
From "Fonzie's Spots" to "Th-Th-Th-That's All, Folks!"

It's best to go out with a tearful ending. Weddings tend to do the trick. But sometimes shows end with just another episode.
The following sitcom episodes were all finales that aired in the Eighties. Note that we said aired in the Eighties. Remember, some '70s series ended in the '80s, and some '80s shows ended in the '90s.
With that in mind, see if you can match these finale titles to the correct series. Good luck!
"Fonzie's Spots"
"The Mork Report"
"Simka's Monthlies"
"Up and Down the Dial"
"Goodbye, Farewell and Amen"
"Wedding Bells for Brandon"
"Lisa Goes Lottery Loco"
"Here Today, Hair Tomorrow"
"And the Winner Is…"
"The Front Page"
"Red Robins"
"Friends and Lovers"
"Th-Th-Th-That's All, Folks"

Can you match the series finale title to the correct '80s sitcom?
Your Result...
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14/14. Man, I watched a lot of '80s TV as a kid. And some of these are on Me-TV. Most are... at another place. Need an antenna for those.
You got 8 out fo 14
Like all good things, that quiz had to come to an end. But thankfully, the Eighties never seem to end in our pop culture.
Too Close For Comfort - Who the Hell was Lisa?
Like all good things, that quiz had to come to an end. But thankfully, the Eighties never seem to end in our pop culture.
Too Close For Comfort - Who the Hell was Lisa?
I got 8/14 right. I couldn't remember the other 5 answers but it is so much fun quizzing on MeTV by watching and remembering the show.
You got 14 out fo 14
Like all good things, that quiz had to come to an end. But thankfully, the Eighties never seem to end in our pop culture.
Like all good things, that quiz had to come to an end. But thankfully, the Eighties never seem to end in our pop culture.
''You got 8 out fo 14, instead of, 14'' Like all good things, that quiz had to come to an end. But thankfully, the Eighties never seem to end in our pop culture.
11/14.The first three were really hard because there's so many shows that had Fonzies,Mork's and Simka's!