MeTV Schedule For Columbus, OH, OH
You're viewing the schedule for Columbus, OH - WBNS - 10.2
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Public Affairs - Dr-12 (s3, ep8)
Police and Secret Service undertake maximum security for a Presidential visit to Los Angeles.
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Training - Dr-18 (s3, ep9)
Friday clashes with a woman writer gathering research material for an article on policewomen.
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Vendetta (s5, ep9)
Malloy and Reed suspect that a well-armed immigrant tailor who claims to be defending his establishment from burglars is actually plotting a murder. In the meantime, they deal with a drunken traveling businessman who passes out in a bar girl's car.
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The Chaser (s5, ep10)
Malloy and Reed investigate an interstate bounty hunter who has an invalid gun permit and questionable tactics. Meanwhile, they deal with an elderly man who strongly dislikes hippies, and a frustrated wife who desperately wants to receive a traffic ticket.
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Oh My It's 75!
"Music, movies, and mayhem collide in this 1975 throwback as Bill and Toony experience everything from explosive sweets to gravity-defying adventures!"
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Beaver's Dance (s3, ep21)
Both Beaver and Larry are forced into attending dancing school by their parents and after one lesson, they find that they absolutely detest it, like they knew they would. This prompts them to skip class next time and they hide out behind a barn until it's time to go home.
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Larry's Club (s3, ep22)
Larry is furious when Beaver leaves him out when he joins a club called the Bloody Five. To get revenge, Larry makes up a story that he is starting his own club and that people are waiting in line to join. This prompts Beaver to resign from the Bloody Five and he tries to join Larry's bogus club.
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The Case Of The Velvet Claws (s6, ep22)
A photographer snaps a picture of politico Harrison Burke and a married woman, Eva Belter, as they leave a local gambling establishment. Eva goes to Mason for help and tells him that a scandal sheet called "Spicy Bits" is blackmailing her.
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The Fatal Seduction: Part 2 (s8, ep)
In North Carolina for a funeral, Matlock, Leanne and Cliff end up getting involved in a pair of murders connected to two young women.
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First Girl (s3, ep4)
Sparta P.D. gets its first black policewoman.
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The Townie (s1, ep23)
John-Boy refuses to take friendship with a neighbor's sheltered daughter to the next level
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Reunion 78
"Belle Archer recognizes Jerry Shand and hides her face. Jerry has a grudge against Andy Cully, a paunchy hardware drummer. At the Long Branch Jerry is beating Andy up. Matt's ready to lock Jerry up. Andy bails him out. On the street Andy apologizes and offers Jerry $600. Jerry knows Andy is a murderer."
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"Troy Carver, an aging ex-lawman gets off the stage. Matt calls to him. Troy turns and almost shoots Matt. Matt tells Troy if someone is after you I'll help. Troy says mind your own business. Moss tells Matt Lee Polen has been hanging for several days. Lee says he's going to kill Troy for killing his brother."
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The Fighters (s7, ep30)
Hoss befriends a washed-up prizefighter who's having a hard time adjusting to life outside the squared circle.
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The Retired Gun (s1, ep17)
Wes Carney and his wife, Clair, want to settle down and they figure North Fork might do fine. Wes is a well known gunfighter, who has promised Clair that he would hang up his guns for good. The Carney's want to live a simple, honest life and the Feed and Grain Store, which is up for sale, seems like it might work for them.
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The Photographer (s1, ep18)
Abel Goss, the photographer who took Lucas' wedding photograph, is in North Fork doing a portrait of Mark standing in the street. When Goss sees Col. Whiteside and his sidekick, Jamison, he recognizes them as the butchers who tortured him and others while he was captive in a Civil War prison camp.
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The Miss Mary Lee Mcintosh Story (s8, ep20)
"Coop and Charlie ride into a small village for supplies finding it deserted. There is an Indian who stays hidden and later three men and a woman ride into town. They have been looking for the woman's father in a cave filled with bats."
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Firehouse Quintet (s6, ep18)
The Station 51 basketball team qualifies for the semi-finals. The paramedics rescue victims at a gas explosion. While at basketball practice, the firemen treat an injured gymnast. The night before the big game the firemen get very little sleep: they respond to a number of emergencies, including a workman trapped at a studio.

Alan Alda delivers a landmark performance on this experimental episode!
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Hawkeye (s4, ep18)
Hawkeye is injured in a jeep accident and, aware he has a concussion, babbles to a Korean family to keep himself awake.
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Some 38th Parallels (s4, ep19)
Frank tries to distinguish himself by selling the camp garbage, but it's Hawkeye who finds a use for it: he dumps it on a troublesome Colonel Coner.
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The Novocaine Mutiny (s4, ep20)
Frank has Hawkeye up on charges of mutiny for usurping his authority when Potter was away on leave and Frank was the commanding officer. B.J., Potter and Radar are in attendance of the preliminary hearing, at which they hear conflicting versions of what happened.
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Smilin' Jack (s4, ep21)
The 4077th turns up a sick helicopter pilot, 'Smilin' Jack, who doesn't want to quit, and a twice-wounded GI who does.

Bernard Fox returns to Mayberry!
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The Return Of Malcolm Merriweather (s4, ep28)
Aunt Bee gets upset when Malcolm Merriweather returns to Mayberry.
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The Rumor (s4, ep29)
When Barney sees Andy kissing Helen in a jewelry store, he gets the idea that they are engaged. So he starts planning an engagement party and gets the whole town involved.
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Elly Needs A Maw (s2, ep12)
Jed visits the bank to tell Drysdale that he plans to go back home to look for a wife so Elly May can finally have a mother. Drysdale tries to think of a bride for Jed, and when Mrs. Fenwick visits, he decides that she would be a perfect match for Jed.
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A Date With Miss Camp Henderson (s2, ep27)
Carter bets Gomer he can't get a date with Ms. Camp Henderson, which of course he does.
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To The Gestapo With Love (s4, ep5)
The Gestapo gets three beautiful girls to pry secrets out of the guys.
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Man's Best Friend Is Not His Dog (s4, ep6)
A dog buries a bone containing film from Carter's camera that has images of a new German tank.

Hollywood legend Roddy McDowall takes the stage with Carol Burnett.
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Guest Roddy Mcdowall
In Mrs. Wiggins, Carol plays a flighty secretary who can't use a door buzzer correctly. Then, in Medical Documentary, a starry-eyed doctor uses his patient to get famous. Finally, in The Lift, Carol reunites with an old flame in a series of one-word exchanges.
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The Case Of The Prudent Proecutor (s3, ep14)
DA Hamilton Burger asks Mason to defend an old friend who once saved his life in a boating accident 10 years before. The old friend of Burger's is now facing a murder charge.

Series premiere!
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Where Is Everybody? (s1, ep1)
A man finds himself in a town strangely devoid of people. What's more, he can't recall his own identity.
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Across The Threshold (s5, ep22)
An overly possessive mother takes charge of her bachelor son's life.
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Craig's Will (s5, ep23)
A woman's desire to marry into a rich family gets her into more trouble than she can handle.
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The Cost Of A Vacation (s1, ep2)
While investigating the location of a missing person, Joe uncovers the death of a colleague who appears to have committed suicide.
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"Cannon is on the case when a psychiatric patient is accused of rape and murder after falling in with some unsavory companions. CANNON attempts to clear a young man accused of rape-murder while the real villain's mother accuses her son of the crime."
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Deadly Jinx (s2, ep15)
Barnaby is on the case when a rich woman's affairs seem to be ending in terrible accidents.