
It's Fright Bite Tonight -as Jack Palance Becomes the Vampire Count in "Dan Curtis' Dracula"!

The bad news? No Acquanetta in tonight's movie. The good news? Much more of the Ape Woman! (depending on your opinion, you can reverse the two-  that's up to you!) either way, tonight on MeTV , we bring you the final chapter in the Paula Dupree saga- with the added attraction of Rondo Hatton- in "Jungle Captive"!

The  half-ape, half -human body of Paula Dupree, after the events of the last movie, "Jungle Woman",now lies in the city morgue. In a laboratory, biochemist Stendahl experiments with returning life to  dead animals, aided by his young assistants, Don and Ann, who are hopelessly in love with each other, observe his success!

Meanwhile, back at the morgue, a bizar...

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