MeTV Schedule For Columbus, OH, OH

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Mistaken Identity (s3, ep5)
Dan Mathews rigs an ingenious trap to snare a kidnapper.
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Narcotics - Dr-16 (s3, ep11)
A businessman's war against drug addiction results in a new group whose motto is "freaking out isn't in."
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Log 95 -- Purse Snatcher (s3, ep3)
Reed and Malloy have to think outside the box to capture an intelligent yet neglected teenage purse snatcher. Their efforts to talk sense into him before he commits a much more serious crime prove to be futile.
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Log 45 -- Bright Boy (s3, ep4)
Reed and Malloy report to a burglary call that was witnessed by a boy with a photographic memory. Afterward, they are called to the scene of two drunk men shooting at a box of dynamite at close range in a residential area.
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Teen Movie High
"Bill and Toony make a teen movie!"
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Happy Weekend (s2, ep13)
Ward takes June and the boys away on a trip to a cabin in hopes of experiencing the "great outdoors." However, as he quickly discovers, getting away from today's modern conveniences will be more difficult then he anticipated.
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Wally's Present (s2, ep14)
Wally decides that he is going to have a birthday party, and Beaver jumps to the conclusion that he won't be invited. While shopping for Wally's present, Larry talks Beaver into spending his money on a bow and arrow set for himself and buying a cheap gift for Wally.
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The Case Of The Howling Dog (s2, ep23)
Evelyn Forbes escapes from a mental institution only to be charged with murder. The key to the case is a dog that continues to howl no matter what.
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The Magician (s2, ep)
After a night at the magic show with Julie, Matlock agrees to defend magician Daniel Fontaine when he's charged with the murder of his assistant and lover, Sandy Farrell, a woman who was as devious as she was beautiful.
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A Problem Too Personal (s4, ep9)
Harriet and Eugene are devastated after Gene's father is arrested for murder.
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The First Casualty (s6, ep9)
GW Haines is in the army
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The Badge (s6, ep9)
Kitty leaves Dodge City after seeing Matt hurt again.
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The Dowry (s3, ep31)
After recovering a stolen dowery, the Cartwright boys begin to grow suspicious when more attempts are made on the loot and the fiancé takes everything in stride.
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Woman From Hog Ridge (s3, ep2)
Lucas shoots a horse thief who turns out to be a member of the Boyle clan, and now Ma Boyle is after him.
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Seven (s3, ep3)
Seven condemned murderers escape and take over the town of North Fork.
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The Jonas Murdock Story (s3, ep27)
Out of meat and low on food, the wagon train must not kill any wildlife or all will face the wrath of local indians. The one holdout is Jonas Murdoch, who has always lived outside the rules and doesn't consider a rabbit an issue.
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Botulism (s1, ep2)
John plots his revenge after being the repeated target of practical jokes. A man breaks his back falling off a tower. A woman fakes an illness. Dr. Early's stethoscope becomes lodged in his ear. A man brought into the hospital from a movie set is the first indication of an outbreak of botulism. A boy is trapped in a condemned building.
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Margaret's Engagement (s5, ep2)
Margaret, calling from Tokyo, holds the camp in suspense until she returns with the news of her engagement to Lieutenant Colonel Donald Penobscott. Frank Burns takes the news hard and arrests a Korean family as spies.
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Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind (s5, ep3)
While fixing a stove that explodes, Hawkeye's face is badly burned. His eyes are bandaged, and it is not known if he will ever see again. Meanwhile Frank bets on the outcome of a baseball game, which he has already heard on the radio.
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Lt. Radar O'reilly (s5, ep4)
Following an offer of promotion made by Master Sergeant Woodruff at a poker game, Radar is promoted to the rank of lieutenant. Finding this position awkward, Radar opts to return to his position as an enlisted man.
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The Nurses (s5, ep5)
When Hot Lips confines Nurse Baker to her quarters, little does she know that Baker's husband has arrived in the camp. Hawkeye and B.J. put them together in Hot Lips' tent, telling everyone that a quarantined patient has been placed there. When Hot Lips discovers what has happened, she breaks down and refuses to press charges.
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Those Gossipin' Men (s1, ep15)
After Andy teases the fairer sex about gossiping, Aunt Bee pulls a prank to prove that men are gossips, too.
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The Beauty Contest (s1, ep16)
Andy is chosen to be the sole judge of a local beauty pageant. The entrants include Floyd's niece, the mayor's daughter and Ellie Walker.
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Cousin Roy (s6, ep30)
The Clampetts are preparing for Cousin Roy to visit Beverly Hills. When Roy gets to the mansion, he sees Elly May, who he has a huge crush on, and performs a song about her for the Clampetts. But Roy’s main purpose for visiting is to sell his mom’s medicine, Big Momma’s Magic Mixture, and finds great success in doing it.
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A Home Isn't Built In A Day (s2, ep10)
Tired of living in a dump, Lisa demands some serious home improvements. Oliver fires the Monroe brothers and hires an architect to draw up plans. Renovations come to a screeching halt thanks to the Monroes' picket line and famous Hootervillian Rutherford B. Skrug.
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The Battle Of Stalag 13 (s2, ep5)
Two German officers interfere with Hogan's operations when one tries to turn Stalag 13 into an officer's retirement home the other wants to use the facilities to interrogate the citizens of the local town.
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The Rise And Fall Of Sergeant Schultz (s2, ep6)
Hogan is stymied in the rescue of a captured member of the underground until a potential diversion appears in the form of an old WWI buddy of Sgt. Schultz.
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Guests Chita Rivera And Bob Newhart (part 1)
"Guests Chita Rivera and Bob Newhart. Originally aired on 02/22/71."
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The Case Of The Wrongful Writ (s8, ep29)
After a young lawyer is framed for the murder of a man claiming to be a government agent, Mason must cull through witnesses to identify the killer.
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The Brain Center At Whipple's (s5, ep33)
A heartless CEO completely automates his factory, laying off all of his employees.
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Isabel (s2, ep)
An ex-convict weds the woman whose evidence sent him to jail.
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Deja Vu (s4, ep14)
A prediction from a fortune teller hits too close to home as it reveals how Mannix will die.
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The Set-up
"Cannon is a victim of mistaken identity and later almost killed."
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Bounty Hunter, The (s5, ep8)
Barnaby must beat a bounty hunter to an escaped convict who can vindicate a prison trustee charged with murder.