MeTV Schedule For Columbus, OH, OH
You're viewing the schedule for Columbus, OH - WBNS - 10.2
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Homicide - The Student (s4, ep2)
The police go after a college student who has turned to murder.
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Venice Division (s6, ep5)
Malloy and Reed have to break the news to a young model that her press agent lied when he said there would be nothing wrong with having a nude photo shoot on a busy public beach. Later, they discover a man stealing from a phone booth, assist in the chase of a stolen dune buggy, try help an attractive woman whose safety is put in grave danger by an obscene phone caller, deal with a wino who dies while eating at a diner and pull over a woman towing a large jack-o-lantern.
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Hot Shot (s6, ep6)
Today's patrol begins with a traffic stop of a high-society cat burglar who's just finished serving a four-year prison term, and Malloy senses the guy is about to return to his old ways. Meanwhile, he and Reed engage in a standoff with a wounded robbery suspect who fatally shot a convenience store worker, examine an abandoned vehicle, investigate the theft of a book from a library and deal with a distraught unemployed man who takes his young daughter hostage in his home.
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A Day Of Foolery
"On this April Fool's Day, Bill's on a mission to prank his closest friends."
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Beaver's Big Contest (s4, ep6)
Constantly entering contests, Beaver's latest one has him selling raffle tickets in hopes of winning a prize. Surprisingly, he does indeed win third prize and the prize is a $3,500 sports car. However, his dreams are dashed when Eddie's premonition comes true, Ward breaks the news that Beaver can't keep the car.
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Miss Lander's Fiancee
"While doing some yard work for Miss Landers, Beaver and Whitey witness their favorite teacher in the midst of a gentleman caller, which makes Beaver a bit jealous. However, Beaver gets sick to his stomach when he discovers Miss Landers is engaged to be married and the man he saw was her fiance."
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The Case Of The Drowsy Mosquito (s7, ep3)
Mason investigates when the sale of phony gold mines leads to murder.
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The Kidnapping: Part 2 (s8, ep)
Abductors try to kidnap Leanne but take Billy instead and hold him for ransom.
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A Loss Of Innocence (s3, ep15)
Darnell plans on indicting a teenager for murder after her father is found in the basement and her mother turns up missing. But Gillespie and his men don't believe she is guilty.

It's Thanksgiving time on the Walton's Mountain!
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The Thanksgiving Story - Part I (s2, ep10)
Thanksgiving time on Walton's Mountain means a turkey shoot, a school play about early settlers, and the big meal. One year it also included a rekindled love affair and a life-threatening accident
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The Roundup
"Matt closes up shops to a group of drunken cowboys, which causes trouble."
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Young Man With A Gun
"After gunman, Sam Kercher is killed by Matt, his 16-year old brother arrives to fight Matt."
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Old Charlie (s8, ep9)
A boastful teller of tall tales falls prey to the revenge-seeking brothers of a dead outlaw.
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The Patsy (s2, ep1)
A group of outlaws devise a plan to get rid of Lucas so they can take over the town of North Fork.
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Bloodlines (s2, ep2)
After Lucas kills a mountain man in a barroom brawl, his father arrives in North Fork determined to take revenge on Lucas and Marshal Torrance.
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The John Cameron Story (s1, ep3)
The husband of a much younger woman grows jealous of her flirtatious ways.
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Survival On Charter #220 (part 2)
"Squad 51 C-shift paramedics rescue a stuntman from a tower. Gage and Desoto respond to treat the injured child of a fireman’s widow. A small plane and a chartered jetliner collide in midair, landing in a residential neighborhood, trapping Johnny and Roy. Station 18 leads a massive response from Battalion 14 and the Compton city fire department. Dr. Morton heads up a triage team from Rampart. Multiple rescues include passengers from both planes and people in the subdivision. Dr. Early performs brain surgery on the injured child. An elderly man’s dog leads Chief McConnike to its owner."
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Comrades In Arms (part 1)
"Lost behind enemy lines, Hawkeye and Margaret form a personal truce and seek shelter in a roadside hut."
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Comrades In Arms (part 2)
"Margaret and Hawkeye seek solace from enemy fire in each other's arms and end up, briefly, as lovers. "
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The Merchant Of Korea (s6, ep14)
After Charles hands B.J. $200, he begins to take advantage. Everyone gets together and persuades Charles to play poker. He has incredible beginner's luck until Radar discovers that Charles whistles loudly when he bluffs. They all win back their money and then some.
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The Smell Of Music (s6, ep15)
The 4077th has just ended a rough three-day ordeal with wounded soldiers. Charles plays a French horn and drives Hawkeye and B.J. crazy. They refuse to bathe until the French horn playing is stopped; the two are even forced to eat outside because of their unhygienic presences.
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Goober And The Art Of Love (s5, ep20)
Andy and Barney try to set the perpetually unlucky-in-love Goober up with a woman.
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Barney Runs For Sheriff (s5, ep21)
Andy considers taking an out-of-town job, and with the election nearing, no one has yet filed to run for Sheriff. Barney throws his hat in the ring, and then Andy's job prospect takes a turn.
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The Critter Doctor (s2, ep23)
Duke is sick, and Elly calls the "critter doctor" from the zoo. When Jed finds out he is a "college boy," he thinks it is a possible beau for Elly May, not knowing he is a graduate and an older man. Granny is against this doctor coming, and she mistakes a young salesman who is selling bug repellents for the doctor.
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Gomer And The Little Men From Outer Space (s3, ep7)
Sgt. Carter sends Gomer to a psychiatrist when he claims to have seen men from outer space. They're really actors in a sci-fi movie being filmed near the camp.
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The Return Of Major Bonacelli (s4, ep25)
The Italian officer who studied under Klink helps Hogan photograph an air base.
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Happy Birthday, Dear Hogan (s4, ep26)
Hogan's men plan to surprise him for his birthday by blowing up an ammunition dump.
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Kidnapping / Family, The
In Kidnapping, Carol gets her fifteen minutes of fame when her husband is kidnapped. Then, in The Family, Eunice is determined to win "The Gong Show" by singing.
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The Case Of The Ominous Outcast (s3, ep24)
When a notorious bank robber's son returns to his hometown it seems as though everyone is interested in missing loot supposedly hidden by the man's father. This leads to murder.
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The Four Of Us Are Dying (s1, ep13)
A man who can change his face to resemble others gets into hot water with gangsters.
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The Contest For Aaron Gold (s6, ep4)
A young man devotes his entire stay at a summer camp to modeling a one-armed clay knight.
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The Five-forty-eight (s6, ep5)
A philandering senior manager finds himself being stalked by a previous secretary.
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License To Kill—limit Three People (s1, ep8)
Mannix is hired when a sniper begins killing citizens, the prime suspect being an escaped mental patient.
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The Set-up
"Cannon is a victim of mistaken identity and later almost killed."
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Gathering Of Thieves, A (s3, ep1)
A real-estate scam leads to four murders, including that of a professor who was not pleased with his new property.