MeTV Schedule For Columbus, OH, OH
You're viewing the schedule for Columbus, OH - WBNS - 10.2
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Juvenile - Dr-32 (s3, ep24)
A girl's life hangs in the balance as the detectives search for the dog that bit her.
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Juvenile - Dr-35 (s3, ep25)
An infant girl is found in a garbage can; Joe and Bill use the child's blanket to track down the mother.
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Harbor Division (s6, ep1)
Malloy needs to sell two tickets to the ballet after his date cancels, but he quickly regrets putting a notice on the station's bulletin board. While patrolling the harbor and surrounding area, he and Reed investigate a marine fuel dealer accused of forgery, pull over a driver with a suspicious box on the roof of his car, question a suspicious young couple, deal with an astrologer who is driving recklessly and encounter a drunken cook shooting a rifle from the crow's nest of a docked ship.
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Rampart Division (s6, ep2)
Malloy and Reed are on the lookout for an elusive purse snatcher whose latest victim was visiting her husband's grave. In the meantime, they deal with an annoying former cop turned security guard, encounter a desperate old man attempting to break into a car, help a cantankerous elderly woman who is being evicted, mediate a near-violent dispute over five dollars, track down a runaway baby carriage and search for an armed suspect who just robbed a cocktail lounge.
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Diners, Drive-ins & Drive-thrus
"Bill and Toony cook up the idea to open their own restaurant while exploring the tasty past of diners, drive-ins, and drive-thrus."
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Beaver's Team (s3, ep39)
While coaching Beaver's football team, Wally makes up a secret play and Beaver just happens to mention it to Penny who inadvertently passes it on to the opposing team.
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Beaver Won't Eat (s4, ep1)
Beaver is determined not to eat brussels sprouts and adamantly refuses to eat them when June serves them for dinner. In order to go to a football game, Ward makes Beaver promise that he will eat brussels sprouts the next time they are served. Beaver quickly finds himself confronted with the "deadly" vegetables when the Cleavers go out to eat at a posh restaurant.
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The Case Of The Deadly Verdict (s7, ep4)
Mason loses a case when Janice Barton is convicted of murdering her aunt and subsequently sentenced to death. After the verdict, Mason continues investigating to find the real killer among the old lady's heirs.
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The Defendant (s8, ep)
Leanne falls for Matlock's new client, a philanthropist accused of murdering his business partner.
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Hello In There (s3, ep13)
Bubba refuses to believe that a former teammate embezzled funds from the bank where he worked. And sets out to prove that his friend was framed and murdered. Harriet hopes that art therapy can help the man's traumatized son, who becomes a target himself when the killer realizes he witnessed the crime.
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The Braggart (s2, ep8)
When a grownup Hobie Shanks visits the Waltons, John Boy seems to be the only one put off by his outlandish claims.
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Mr. And Mrs. Amber
"Peak Fletcher says his sister Sarah Amber stole a calf. She was set up."
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Unknown Grave
"On a stage heading for Dodge Sheriff Darcy has a heart attack while guarding a murderer, Blackie."
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To Bloom For Thee (s8, ep6)
Hoss is unaware that his fiancée is a troubled woman with a hidden, dark past.
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Blood Brothers (s1, ep35)
Lucas McCain gives blood to save a dying man and is surprised by Marshal Torrance's odd behavior toward the man. Then three men arrive from a nearby town and demand custody of the stranger.
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Stranger At Night (s1, ep36)
Mark's finding the body of a murder victim starts Lucas, his friend, Artemus, and Marshal Torrance on a search for the killer.

Series finale!
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The Jarbo Pierce Story (s8, ep26)
"The series' final episode begins and ends with the two characters who stayed with it from beginning to end, as Charlie tells Hawks about his earlier days working for trading post operator Jarbo Pierce. Jarbo, once a wild, hard-drinking man, had become a minister, though he could still take on any man who tried to fight him. When his younger brother Adam arrived at the post Jarbo found himself at odds with him as Adam preferred the wilder ways of life and didn't understand Jarbo's concerns for the Indians he traded with, and began working with a man who wanted to use ..."
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Steel Inferno, The (part 2)
"A careless worker sparks an explosive fire in a high-rise building. Station 110 leads a full alarm response, assisted by Squad 51. A triage team from Rampart Hospital, led by Dr. Brackett, sets up in a nearby garage. Several workmen and two women including the fiancee of a paramedic remain trapped on the 16th floor. A Coast Guard helicopter assists in rooftop evacuation; Dixie and Dr. Early take charge of the many patients at Rampart. A paramedic is injured attempting a rescue, while Gage and DeSoto extricate themselves from a broken elevator. An explosion on the 21st floor injures a fire captain, necessitating a dangerous rescue down an elevator shaft."
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Fallen Idol (s6, ep2)
Radar wants to become a man so Hawkeye recommends he goes to Seoul. On his way there he is hit by a mine. Hawkeye performs surgery on him. After surgery, Hawkeye goes to the Officers Club where he gets hammered. The next day he goes to surgery severely hung over. Radar tells Hawkeye he is disappointed in him. Hawkeye explodes and is then yelled at by Major Houlihan, Colonel Potter and Father Mulcahy.
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Last Laugh (s6, ep3)
Madness strikes as B.J. and his old friend, Bardonaro, play a series of practical jokes on each other, just as Bardonaro is about to leave Korea. Hawkeye gets the last laugh. He sends Bardonaro off without his traveling papers, and in a jeep with too little gas.
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War Of Nerves (s6, ep4)
The 4077th, caught up in tension and nerves, creates a bonfire to release their pressure. Meanwhile, Sidney Freedman is depressed over a young soldier who blames him for his injuries, because Freedman had sent him back into combat.
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The Winchester Tapes (s6, ep5)
Hawkeye tries unsuccessfully to get to Seoul, to see Nurse Gilmore for the weekend. Meanwhile, Winchester has taped a letter home, asking for his influential parents to help get him back to the States. To get even, Hawkeye and B.J. switch Winchester's clothes, causing Winchester to alter his eating patterns.
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Three Wishes For Opie (s5, ep14)
Barney acquires some fortune-telling cards and a secret box. The cards promise magical occurrences, and when his wish is granted, he becomes convinced that the box has mystical powers.
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Otis Sues The County (s5, ep15)
After Otis slips and falls in the Mayberry jail, he meets an opportunistic lawyer who convinces him to sue the county.
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Son Of Lafe Returns (s2, ep21)
Elly May and her new beau, Fred Penron, are getting rather serious. Meanwhile, Lafe Crick returns, this time with his son, Dub. He plans to set Dub up with Elly, to once again try to get some of Jed's money. Jed and Jethro try to hide this from Granny because the Cricks really rile her up. She sees the Cricks, but Jed tries to convince her that she is having visions.
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Show Me The Way To Go Home (s3, ep5)
The wife of a drunken man points the finger at Gomer for getting her poor husband drunk. When Sgt. Carter tries to clear up the situation, he gets in trouble with the loud woman, too.
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Up In Klink's Room (s4, ep21)
Hogan gets himself sent to the hospital so he can get information from a wounded agent.
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The Purchasing Plan (s4, ep22)
Hogan and crew are ordered to deliver airdropped ammo to the underground.
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Wrong Number / Saturday Night / Recital, The / Vacuum Salesman
In Wrong Number, Carol questions a strange phone call for her husband. Then, in Saturday Night, Carol tries to get invited to a party next door. Next, in The Recital, four talentless musicians perform a showcase. Finally, in Vacuum Salesman, Tim has an emotional breakdown while trying to sell a vacuum.
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The Case Of The Madcap Modiste (s3, ep22)
After one of the biggest names in fashion is poisoned after embarrassing her husband on TV.
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Judgment Night (s1, ep10)
In 1942, a German wonders why he's on the deck of a British steamship, with no memory of how he got there, and an overwhelming sense of impending doom.
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Hooked (s5, ep38)
A man schemes with a young woman to get rid of his wealthy wife.
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Mrs. Bixby And The Colonel's Coat (s6, ep1)
A woman is heartbroken when she is forced to end her affair with a colonel.
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Then The Drink Takes The Man (s1, ep4)
Mannix investigates why a man who is against the evils of drink is spending a load of cash and time at an alcoholic retreat in Mexico.
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Killer On The Hill (s4, ep17)
A military general hires Cannon to find the daughter he put up for adoption years ago but it appears as though someone doesn't want the girl to be found.
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Image In A Cracked Mirror (s2, ep23)
A fortune hunter marries rich women and makes off with their valuables.